
portfolio | original canvas paintings

sample of jen’s original artwork.

Find available pieces in the JSD Etsy shop! Don’t have an existing Etsy account? Send Jen an email if you’re interested in purchasing an available painting, and she’ll send you an invoice instead.

the order of chaos | 20”x20” acrylic on 1-1/2” canvas

the order of chaos | 20”x20” acrylic on 1-1/2” canvas

the storm will pass | 10”x20” acrylic on 1-1/2” canvas

the storm will pass | 10”x20” acrylic on 1-1/2” canvas

mini #1 | 3”x3” acrylic on  canvas

mini #1 | 3”x3” acrylic on canvas

mini #2 | 3”3” acrylic on 1-1/2” canvas

mini #2 | 3”3” acrylic on canvas

new horizons | 16”x40” acrylic on 1-1/2” canvas

new horizons | 16”x40” acrylic on 1-1/2” canvas

natural beginnings | 24”x20” acrylic on 1-1/2” canvas

natural beginnings | 24”x30” acrylic on 1-1/2” canvas

unnamed | 24”x48” acrylic on 1-1/2” canvas

unnamed | 24”x48” acrylic on 1-1/2” canvas

winter wonderland | 9”x12” acrylic on 1-1/2” canvas

winter wonderland | 9”x12” acrylic on 1-1/2” canvas